I've had issues getting onto Blogger, so I'm sorry this e-mail was posted a bit late. Better late than never. I've edited a couple of things I'm sure don't need to be on the world wide web...but for the most part I'm leaving this e-mail exactly how Kyle sent it.
How are ya'll doing? Seems like forever since I've gotten a letter from you! Its been 2 days since I've got anything haha jk its all good I know that I wont get stuff every day. So lets start with Easter Sunday, we had a special sacrament meeting where Boyd K Packer spoke and then also his son Elder Packer of the 70. It was really good, but I'll be honest I had a trouble staying awake because I was just really tired. Well I figured out how to log into my ldsmail without a time limit so now I can email longer. Next friday I'll send you an email in the morning telling you when I'll be on just cause then we can communicate if you would like to haha. But President Packers talk was pretty much just reassuring us that everything is going to be alright. That we are doing what we are supposed to and all is well.
The days are going by a lot faster now. Yesterday was a really rough night, but we will get to that later. So Sunday was a really good day. After the sacrament meeting we had a testimoney meeting just with my zone. It was really great. We have actually lost 2 elders this week in our zone because they are going to Peru. Then we are losing a lot next monday cause a whole district is leaving to Mexico so its going to be weird cause they really are great guys. Sorry if I say stuff that I already have because honestly everything just blends together in the MTC.
The discussions have been going good with Sabastian. We had our last one with him yesterday and he committed to be baptized if he felt that it was true in the next few weeks, but then later on in the day we found out that he will actually be one of our teachers. I was kinda embarassed cause me and elder gonzalez coorindate our ties every day and he asked what color we were going to wear for the last one and we hadnt decided so he told us to wear green, that morning I put on a blue one and I really didnt want to change it and I thought it would be OK cause I would never see him again, but he actually dressed up and wore a green tie haha so now hes just going to give me crap about that now I bet.
To answer all of your questions haha yes I have met Elder Archuletta. I actually talked to him for a little bit. No I havent taken a picture haha. I actually feel really bad for the kid. All he wants is to fit in, but I think its hard for him. Like in gym he always wears sunglasses and he always walks with his head down so I dont really want to bug him.
So my comp took a test to be put in the intermediate class and they suggested that he be puts into it so he would not be my companion or in my district anymore, but we still havent heard anything and I think he took it on Tuesday, so I bet we would have heard something about it by now.
Um the other night I had the most spiritual experience I have had yet in the MTC. Hermana Porter was feeling sick and she aske us to give her a blessing. I got the opportunity to help and it was the strongest I have felt the spirit in a really long time. Like I was overcome and it was ridiculous. My whole body was just...I don't know its hard to explain. It was really cool though, but now I feel like I'm getting sick. Ive had a bad cough starting since last night so I asked the elders in my district to give me a blessing.
We also had a really cool devotional on Tuesday. It was bishop Mcmullan who was in the Presiding bishopric up until general conference. He is a really powerful speaker and his wife spoke with him. I got out of it that not only do i need to pray to find the people who have a open heart and a ready spirit, but I also have to pray for them to find me. There are a lot of people in my mission and it would be a lot easier for them to find me because we kinda stick out. Also that we never know who is watching us so I should always be on my best behavior becasue we should never be embarass ourselves, the church, or most of all our Savior.
Wednesday we also had a service project. We had to be up at 5:45 haha it was really early, but doing service kinda helped me stay awake for the whole day. Ive been able to stay awake more so its been a blessing.
Hermana Pesquale is a great sister. Mi hermana favorito. Ive been bonding with her more than any other hermana. I really feel bad for her. She almost left the first day and she has had a really rough life. Like right before she came out here her sister had a storke and is paralyzed on one side of her body. We made a to do list though for after our mission so hopefully that will happen haha. Its kinda weird, my missionary eyes are kicking in haha but im staying in check I promise. She showed me what she wrote to her family though haha she said im her favorite and we have gotten really close and that i am just the best so that has been good!
Elder Green and I really bonded one night. I started crying haha he told me that he thinks im already mission ready, but i feel like im not there yet, but everyone says I have a strong spirit, but I am staying humble! I know I can work harder and study more, but I'm almost done with the Book of Mormon! I'm half way through Ether so it'll be finished here in the next couple of days.
Um I' going to share my testimoney in spanish.
Yo se que Jesucristo es mi Salvador y atraves de expiacion nosotros llegamos ser a limpiando. Y yo se que Jesucristo es El Rey de todos los Reys. y Yo se que la iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los ultima dias es la iglesia verdadero. Y yo no se que donde me vida would be sin la iglesia. Yo se que Jose Smith es un profeta y con la fuerza de dios El restauro la iglesia en los ultima dias. Yo se que Thomas S Monson es la profeta para nuestro dias y llama de Dios. Yo se que el libro de mormon es verdadero. Es mas verdadero de todos el libros.
Um pretty much what I just said was that I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and through his atonement we can become clean. And I know that Jesus Christ is the King of all Kings. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints is true and I dont know where my life would be without this church. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet and with the power of god he restored the church in the latter days. I know that Thomas S Monson is the prophet for our days and called of God. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. It is more true that any other books.
Well that is all I have time for now. Please tell grandma that she is in my prayers and tell grandpa good luck on the mission. Give me other peoples email also!!
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